Course curriculum

    1. Restorative Practice Introduction

    2. Baseline Quiz: What is Restorative Practice?

    3. Course Roadmap

    4. Chapter 1 Workbook

    5. Roots of Restorative Practice

    6. Restorative Practice Overview

    7. Building & Maintaining Positive Relationships

    8. Four Ways to Relationships

    1. Chapter 2 Introduction

    2. Chapter 2 Workbook

    3. Conflict & Bullying

    4. Affective Statements

    5. Restorative Conversation Process

    1. Chapter 3 Introduction

    2. Chapter 3 Workbook

    3. Using Restorative Circles

    4. Solution Circles & Restorative Practice-based Meetings

    5. Quiz: Building, Maintaining & Repairing

    6. Course Feedback & Evaluation

About this course

  • £29.00
  • 19 lessons
  • 0 hours of video content